Some Cool Facts about WordPress


WordPress has come a long way since its launch in 2003. The community has grown considerably, and that growth doesn’t seem to be slowing down. WordPress is now the most dominant CMS on the market.


Here are Some Cool Facts about WordPress:-

  1. According to Open Hub’s Project Cost Calculator, WordPress took an estimated effort of over 112 person-years. This is based on 423,759 lines of code, with an estimated cost of over $6 million to fund a project of this size.
  2. WordPress has 58.55% of the CMS market share — more than all other systems (eg, Drupal, Joomla) combined.
  3. Considering that the number of total active websites is estimated at over 172 million according to a survey published by Netcraft, that means that around 75,000,000 websites are using WordPress right now — with around half of those sites (37,500,000) being hosted on the shared hosting installation. This means that around 20% of all self-hosted websites use WordPress, which is still huge.
  4. WordPress 4.7 Has Been Downloaded Over 19,700,000 Times and WordPress 5.1 has been downloaded 17,873,103 and counting
  5. WordPress is Growing, So far there are 635 WordCamps, in 68 cities across the globe — mostly in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Italy, Mexico, and South Africa. It’s worth mentioning that 65 of the WordCamps took place outside of the US in the year 2016 alone. Check the official WordCamp Schedule to find a meetup near you
  6. WordPress is Available in Over 50 Languages.The WordPress Polyglots team is responsible for localizing WordPress — this includes the WordPress core, plugins, and themes.WordPress has translations for over 160 languages, but only 65 are completely finished. The latest version of WordPress (4.7) is written in 52 languages, which includes the 12 most popular languages of the world: Chinese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, French, Spanish, Urdu, Russian, Bengali, German, and Japanese.
  7. There Are 54,874 + Free Plugins for WordPress
  8. Over 39% of All Online Stores Run on WooCommerce
  9.  WordPress only has 532 employees (including 12 people named Michael) spread out between 51 different countries.
Some Cool Facts about WordPress
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