How to disable all plugins when not able to login wp-admin

Sometimes during testing or troubleshooting, you might come across a situation, when there is a need of deactivating all the plugins (( due to white screen of death)), but you can’t as wp-admin stopped working In this article, we will show you how to deactivate all WordPress plugins when not able to access wp-admin area.

There are basically 2 Methods to deactivate all the plugin, without login in to wp-admin:

1) Deactivating all WordPress Plugins via Cpanel or FTP
First you need to connect to your website using FTP client, or File Manager in cPanel. Once connected, you need to navigate to the /wp-content/ folder.

Once inside wp-content folder, you will see a folder called plugins. This is where WordPress stores all plugins installed on your website.

Right click on the plugins folder and select Rename. Change the name of the plugins folder to anything that you like. In our example, we will call it “plugins.deactivate”. Once you do this, all of your plugins will be deactivated.

Now you can easily login to your wp-admin dashboard. After login rename the folder to plugins and then you can activate all the plugins one by one.

2) Deactivating WordPress Plugins via PHP MYADMIN
Another way of deactivating the plugins, in this method, you have to login to your CPanel, then look for phpmyadmin, you can find it under databases section.

Once found, click it to launch phpmyadmin section, once opened You will need to select your WordPress database, if it is not already selected. After that you will be able to see WordPress database tables.

After that click on the wp_options table. Inside wp_options table you will see rows of different options. You will need to find the option ‘active_plugins’ and then click on the ‘Edit’ Link next to it.

After that new page will open, on that page change the option_value field to a:0:{} and then click on Go button to save your changes.

And its all done, now you can easily login to your WP dashboard

How to disable all plugins when not able to login wp-admin
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