AR Training in Noida

What is AR or Augmented Reality?

Adding something or Enhancing, the actual Reality is Known as Augmented Reality. This can be done by anything like adding graphics, sounds, touch feedback or anything. One of the best example is Pokemon go.

Applications of AR :

Advanced AR technology (e.g. adding computer vision and object recognition) has made it possible for the information to be transmitted to the surrounding real world of the user making it interactive and digitally manipulable.  Augment reality is almost everywhere today, listing a few fields below.

  • Literature
  • Archeology
  • Visual Arts
  • Military Training
  • Emergency management/search and rescue
  • Video Games
  • Industrial design
  • Medical
  • Flight Training
  • Tourism and sightseeing


Why you need AR Training?

As you can see Application of Augmented Reality or Ar isn’t limited to any particular field. Ar is our “Present ” and is “Our Future”.  AR is in High demand, due to its extreme popularity, AR Professionals are in high demand.

Why Choose us?

  • Fully Wifi Campus.
  • Fully Occupied Lab by the latest technology.
  • weekend classes available for working peoples
  • 1:1 Education policy.
  • Individual or group project is compulsory in training duration.
  • Students projects will be reviewed & certified by our Industry Partners.
  • An opportunity to work on Live Project.
  • Internship Programs are also available.


Feel Free to call us on :  +91- 99536-36109  or you can email us at



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